Propagation Images 
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We do a large amount of propagation at the farm, but don't take enough pictures.  What follows is an incomplete collection of many of the things we do.  We'll work on getting more images into this gallery.  Work...
Hemerocallis seedlings (2 months old) Hemerocallis seedlings (2 months old) Hemerocallis seedlings (2 month olds dug for lining out) Hemerocallis seedlings in early October 2 year old Hemerocallis seedlings Hemerocallis in March after snow melt
A dormant daylily An evergreen daylily emerging A dormant daylily emerging Daylily clump before division Daylily after division Nate evaluating Hemerocallis seedlings (maybe dreaming)
Evergreen vs. dormant in Ocotober Hemerocallis divisions planted in August Nice looking Hemerocallis scape Well branched Hemerocallis scapes Great lateral branches on this Hemerocallis scape Hemerocallis seed pods in early September
Kris and Bill Grafting Scion cut for graft Scion and nurse root Graft with band Graft being wrapped in budding tape The grafting table
Grafts in ready for 2 weeks of heating Grafts in sand ready for indoor heating Covered for 2 weeks Early spring, boxes and covers will be taken away Nurse roots robbed from herbaceous peonies for grafting Scion for grafting
Grafts emerging in April Grafts in May Grafts in their second year      
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